Hello and welcome back to an #afterthepen spread! I’ve been canal boating this week, which is why there has been a bigger posting gap than usual. While I did have internet (when the battery was full,) I only had limited leisure time between bridges and locks to check anything!
As you can see above, my spread for (half) of Week 29 looks very tidy #afterthepen. I had a lot more space than I normally would, and I really enjoy how clean it now looks. It’s important to remember that weekly spreads like this one show off the benefits of Bullet Journals because you aren’t stuck to rigid page layouts. I need to remember that I can utilise half-week spreads like these when I have busy weeks that require more room!
Canal Trip!
While I have been somewhat slack in posting this week so far, I do believe I have an excellent excuse! Our boat trip on the Leeds-Liverpool Canal was a great experience but some creature comforts were lacking! We discovered the first night that we hadn’t travelled long enough to charge the ‘domestic’ battery so by the morning we’d run out of electricity. From then on phone charging and internet surfing were not top priorities; which is probably a good thing on a family holiday in all honesty!
I haven’t been on a canal trip for twenty years so for me it was a new experience. I enjoyed getting out and doing something physical for the first time since lock-down began, as well as having a change of scenery. Although I wasn’t on swing-bridge duty very often, and the majority of locks we passed through were manned, I was responsible for the docking ropes and had a turn at steering, both of which were new challenges.
Unfortunately, our trip did end earlier than anticipated as the engine of our boat couldn’t deal with the amount of growth that had built up in the canal over the past few months. This was a big shame, but it did mean we could get back to our own beds a night earlier! If you’d like to check out some pictures of the trip, check out my Instagram. Otherwise, I wish you all the best and thank you for reading. Let me know, as always, if you have any queries or questions!