Week 14 2021 Bullet Journal Spread

As week 14 of 2021 marks the start of April, I’ve been able to bring back one of my favourite layouts. I’ve not been able to use this for ages due to how the weeks have fallen, so it’s nice to get back to it!

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Week 14 2021 Bullet Journal Setup

One of the main features of this spread is that it has room for two mini calendars. This also allows me to give a slight hint as to what my theme for the next month will be!

I had quite a bit of trouble coming up with a theme for April. My Bullet Journal’s aesthetic isn’t my highest priority given how much I have on, so I wanted to keep it simple. After quite a bit of thinking, however, I remembered that due to my hemisphere move last year, this is my first Autumn for over a year!

Week 14 2021 Update

The only real update from me this week is that after a six-year hiatus, I’ve re-started hockey! I played for a decade through school, but since moving for uni stopped. Now that I’m back living near hockey clubs, I’ve decided to play again, both as a way of keeping fit and to do some regular socialising.

We played our first game of the season over the weekend, and while I’m certianly not as fit as I’d like, I was agreeably surprised by what I was able to do in the match! We do have a week off now due to easter, but I’m looking forward to continuing to train and play.

Thank you for reading my week 14 of 2021 update! Be sure to check out some of my other posts for more inspiration. Don’t forget to subscribe below to gain access to my free resource library, and keep up to date with my latest posts!

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