What a week! Not a bad one, certainly weather- wise (maybe got a little bit burnt on Sunday even whoops!)
I honestly found the daily boxes a bit small- I prefer landscape to portrait when I have to fill them in. I didn’t get everything I wanted to do done but still a good amount done.
Do you prefer set areas to do your daily logging or do you like a bit more flexibility in how much room you have? Traditional daily logs are fully flexible but I personally like having a bit more structure than that. Makes it easier for me to keep the routine up!
Your BuJo is so pretty! I love it. What are your favourite spreads? Any tips for newbies?
Thank you! I really like habit trackers and collections that have big to do lists to cross off- they’re always the most satisfying to complete.
In terms of tips for newbies, the main thing I’d say is keep it to what works for you and don’t feel pressured to go full on fancy straight away- start simple until you have a routine and filling it in becomes a habit and then spread your wings a bit- otherwise it can be a bit overwhelming and more about looks than usefulness! Hope that helps!
Ooh, thank you so much (: It really means a lot. Happy writing! Looking forward to your BuJo <3