Welcome to week 40, 2020! I can’t believe that by the end of the week we’ll be in October! September started with a ten-day bonfire which was needed to remove an enormous old fallen tree. Since then, I’ve been busy applying for jobs and creating valuable content for you; my readers! In October, I aim to complete my Job Hunting Series and lift my blog views back up.

Week 40 Spread
I’m sure I’ve mentioned before how much I love this spread. I use monthly, for the week that overlaps with the next month. This is because it has room for two mini calendars to show both months. It also allows me to provide a little hint about the incoming monthly theme!
I love how this spread looks on the page. It’s symmetrical but balanced across the entire page. Focus is drawn to the whole layout rather than to what’s on each page. As always, I include space to record both what’s on my general to-do list for the week and anything I have lined up for the next week.
This is a great method for organising, as it allows you to easily migrate tasks to the next week. This is important in my Bullet Journal, as I only tend to include events on my monthly log, not tasks.
While I’m happy about September has turned out, I’m looking forward to unveiling my October theme, which uses a limited palette. Somehow, I find having fewer design options far more inspiring than having endless choices!
Don’t Forget Your Freebies!
Over the past couple of weeks, I’ve enjoyed creating some freebies for my subscribers. My first attempt is a Planner and Tracker for Job Hunting. As I’m on the hunt again myself, I thought it’d be a great opportunity to create something useful for anyone searching for work while the process is still fresh in my mind.
Searching for work can be very demoralising. And that’s just because of the applications you never get a response from! As I know what that’s like, I want to help anyone who is struggling with their hunt to get organised and find a job that’s right for them!
I’ve also created a couple of October calendar printables for people to download. I realise that these are a common offering, but I have included a to-do list and room to track up to six daily habits, which isn’t something I’ve seen offered elsewhere. It’s satisfying to contribute back to a community that has so much to offer, even in a small way.
Week 40 2020 in Conclusion
What I’d love to hear from you is what sort of printables and planners you would find most useful. Please drop me a comment, and I’ll be sure to take your suggestions into account!
For now, that’s it from me. I look forward to hearing about what you think of my new freebies, and I’ll be back later in the week to show off my new October setup! Thanks for reading and all the best!

I love this! I am a huge Harry Potter Fan!
Thanks; I’ve been having a heap of fun lately rebuilding all my Harry Potter Lego from the early 2000’s haha