Week 46 2020 Update and Bullet Journal Spread

Two new weekly layouts in a row! I’m doing well with my promise to try something new this month. I’m really pleased with how this spread for week 46 of 2020 has turned out. It’s a transition, as my time for working on my journal and my blog is going to be reduced this week. More on that in a moment, for now, let’s focus on my latest weekly bullet journal log.

Week 46 2020 Bullet Journal Spread

The blank spaces in this layout were a challenge for me. As you may have noticed, I prefer to have most of my page taken up with content rather than decoration. This week, as I’m going to be away from home, I decided to go for smaller text boxes.

I’m very pleased with the result. I think the text boxes look neat and this is my favourite eucalyptus drawing. I’ve also gone for an Aussie swag instead of a standard tent to shake things up! The original inspiration for this layout can be found here if you’re interested, and I hope I’ve done it justice!

Week 46 2020 Update- The Job Hunt is Over!

I mentioned above that I’m going to have to scale down the time I’ve been spending on my blog. It’s because I’ve found full-time work! If you’ve been following my job hunting series, you’ll know I’ve been looking for work, but if not here’s the basics.

After living in the UK for four years, I decided to move back to Australia with my partner. Due to COVID, we had terrible timing and I only just got back to Australia while my partner is stuck in the UK. I got back to Australia in late July and started looking for full-time work in August. Now, more than three months later, I’ve been successful!

I’m really happy to be getting back to work, as it will allow me to start house-hunting, but it does mean I’m going to have less time to work on this blog. Don’t fear though! I am determined to keep it going at its current rate of two posts a week. I’ve got November and December planned, so keep your eyes peeled for Christmas posts in the next few weeks!

Balancing a blog and full-time employment won’t always be easy, but I’m going to make it work, so hang in there and enjoy the ride!

Week 46 2020 Pin

8 thoughts on “Week 46 2020 Update and Bullet Journal Spread”

  1. Congratulations on finding a full time job that’s great! You have a great bullet journal set up. Thank you for sharing.


  2. Congrats on your new job Helen! These are very tough times for job hunting. And even worse for moving to different countries I’d imagine. Is your partner still stranded in the UK?

    Once I’m cleared by my doctor to work again I will be searching for work as well.

    1. Omg thank you!! And yeah, not ideal timing for either… Australia only allowing in citizens and residents so my partner is stuck in UK until the borders open 😞

      I hope you get cleared soon, and that your search goes well!!

      1. Oh no! I know how tough it can be to do the long distance thing. I hope the borders will open soon so you two can reunite!

        My doctor is thinking I will be ready to be cleared for work right before Christmas if all goes well, so that’s about the best Christmas present I could hope for. 🤞

        1. I think we’re doing ok at the moment but it looks like a reunion is still months away unfortunately- especially given the situation in the UK.
          And work would be an excellent Christmas present! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you!

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