New Journal Setup Pt.5

Another spread to start off my new journal! I’ve still decided to keep things pretty simple as I have with the rest of my setup but added some colour with washi tapes.

Today I’m showing off my (so far empty) wish list and a version of a PMI table for career ideas.

I really don’t have anything to put on my wish list currently, but I really am dreadful at spending the money I put aside in my ‘splurge’ account or having any ideas when the ‘what would you like for Christmas?’ queries start coming in. Hopefully I’ll be able to fill in some things over the next couple of months, I do fancy a mini thermal printer and maybe some more markers for my journal but I can’t see much point in buying anything until I’m back in Australia because I have enough to pack as it is!

As for the second page, with moving back to Australia (and in the middle of one of the trickiest job markets this century) it’s about time to take stock of where my career is heading. So far I’ve been pretty aimless in my career goals, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I think going forward it would be good to have a long-term plan to follow.

I’ve based this spread off the plus, minus and interesting layout, but those topics don’t really work with brainstorming- more if I was measuring up an more solid idea or job. I’ve instead used the categories of skills: what I can do and am good at, interests: what I would like to get out of a career and my general interests and preferences: this is what I would like a career to provide. Not just obvious stuff like salary etc. but also things I’d prefer not to be part of a role- not deal breakers exactly, but things I’d rather avoid if that makes sense.

Have you got anything similar to either of these spreads? I think a lot of people have wish lists but what about career planning; how do you go about it?

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